Lincoln Wellington Athletic Club (LWAC) has many members of all ages from age 8 to 80, who compete in track & field events and road races as well as many volunteers who do a wonderful job to keep the club going.
Naturally with the Coronovirus pandemic our athletes are unable to train together or compete and they miss their training groups.
Several of LWAC’s athletes took part in the Virtual National Road Relay Championships which were a great success. Following on from this 4 people decided to devise a virtual competition for club to enable club members to engage with each other in a low risk format and keep a community spirit through this time of isolation
The format is teams to be made up of 4 athletes and over a space of 2 weeks (15th April – 30th April) each athlete will run 800m, 1 mile and 2 miles and submit their times.
ALL athletes will be obeying the current social distancing rules by running solo, avoiding busy areas, running locally and using this as their one form of daily exercise.
The organisers are using this an opportunity to raise money for the NHS Charities and have a JustGiving page. If you would like to donate, just put The LWAC Medley Relays in the search box and you should find it with our logo and photo of the Cathedral.