This is the web site for Lincoln Wellington Athletic Club. It provides information about the club and its members.  It also provides access to other web sites including local athletics clubs, regional and national organisations, and athletics retailers.

Congratulations to the LWAC Track and Field Team on winning the League Grand Final on 9th September 2023!

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Race 1 Results 29/05/2019 1K-Results Race 1 29_05_2019 (Unfortunately the results for the 1K were destroyed by the heavy rain
Race 1 Results 31/05/2022 1k Results 3k Results 5k Results Memory Mile Race 2 Results 28/06/2022 1k Results  1k Category
Race 1 Results 30/05/2023 1k Results 3k Results 5k Results Memory Mile Race 2 Results 27/06/2023 1k Results 3k Results
To order LWAC kit, please click the link below and follow these instructions.   Club Kit Link here   Scroll
Race 1 - 28/05/2024 1k 3k 5k Memory Mile Category Results Race 2 - 25/06/2024 1k 3k 5k Memory Mile


Thank you

LWAC would like to thank the Sports Forum and Lincolnshire Community Foundation for their recent award of a grant, which will help towards coaches’ course fees.

England Athletics Coronavirus Guidance

Here are the latest England Athletics guidelines for training,

please do remember that guidance can change at very short notice so please always check with the England Athletics website and

Here are the guidelines and form for training with LWAC

Take care and keep safe



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